Thursday 15 December 2016

The Master of Lies: Jews Celebrate the Made-Up “Babi Yar Massacre”
Never ones to miss a chance to lie about their so-called ‘persecution’, Jews in the Ukraine have recently held a commemoration service to mark what they claim is a massacre of at least 30,000 Jews by Nazis near Kiev. (Illustration: Liars and idiots gather in Kiev on Sept. 27 at a monument to the non-existent “victims” of the so-called Babi Yar massacre.)
What then is the truth about this monstrous jewish lie?
The Einsatzgruppen and the "Massacre of Babi Yar"
The four Einsatzgruppen were formed after the German preventive attack against the USSR. Their principal task consisted of fighting the partisan bands operating behind the front. Total Einsatzgruppen personnel, including radio operators, drivers, translators, nurses, etc., amounted to a total of only approximately 3,000 persons
(1). According to the exterminationists, these were responsible, not only for fighting the partisans, but for the pitiless extermination of all Jews in the conquered Soviet territory. According to the Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust", the Einsatzgruppen killed 1.25 million Jews, and "hundreds of thousands of other Soviet nationalities" by the spring of 1943 alone (2), i.e., a total of least one a half million people. This means that every member of the Einsatzgruppen, including radio operators, drivers, translators, and nurses, would have had to kill an average of 500 Jewish and non-Jewish people each -- nearly one a day, if we consider Sundays and holidays.
Miraculously, the nearly two million bodies (since the Einsatzgruppen are supposed to have continued murdering people even after the spring of 1943, after all) disappeared without a trace. Under normal circumstances, of course, this is not so. Disposing of the body is the nightmare of every murderer. After the murder of the family of the Russian Czar, the bodies were burnt and acid was thrown on them, but they could still be identified.
The Holocaust scholars report
(3):"The task of the Sonderkommando... was to open the mass graves, remove the bodies, burn them, and scatter the ashes.
According to the above, the murder victims were first buried, then dug up again later, and then burnt! But the former location of mass graves can be identified by aerial photographs quite easily, even years later, due to the disturbance in the terrain. Even if the Germans had succeeded in burning two million bodies and eliminating the bone fragments and teeth, the location of the mass graves could still be found. Where are they?
Thus, there is no physical evidence of the two million murders on the Eastern front.
The documentary evidence consists of the "Event Reports" from the Einsatzgruppen in the USSR to the RSHA in Berlin. These reports are alleged to have been found by the Allies in the RSHA files after the war.
According to the exterminationists, the reason why no documents on the gas chambers have ever been found, is because the Nazis wanted to cover up their crimes; they therefore issued their murder orders only orally, or at least destroyed all the existing documents.
But the incriminating Einsatzgruppen reports, revealing a monstrous murder programme in the East, were left lying around where they could be found! They could have burnt the few files on the subject in no time, easily! How very strange.
Babi Yar.
The massacre at Babi Yar is mentioned in the Einsatzgruppen reports
(4). After the withdrawal of the German army in September 1941, there was a series of explosive attacks causing fires and hundreds of deaths. In reprisal, the Germans are alleged to have taken 33,000 Jews to the edge of the city of Kiev, shot them, and thrown them into the ravine at the end of September.
During the war, tens of thousands more Jews were allegedly murdered there. Exactly two years later, as the Red Army approached Kiev, the bodies are supposed to have been dug up and burnt without a trace, so that there is no physical evidence of this, either.
Several revisionist authors, principally Herbert Tiedemann and Udo Walendy
(5), have investigated the evidence relating to Babi Yar in great detail. The eyewitness reports contradict each other on all possible points. In addition to shootings, there is much talk of stabbings with bayonets, live burials, killings with land mines, hand grenades, drownings in the Dneiper, and other similar nonsense. The number of victims mentioned over the course of the years rose to 300,000.
At the time of the German entry into Kiev in 1941, there were not 33,000 Jews in Kiev, must less 300,000 Jews for the Germans to murder, in any manner at all, since by far the majority of the Jews of Kiev had abandoned the city
(6). Air photos of the ravine of Baba Yar taken during the war and evaluated by John Ball were the coup de grace to the Babi Yar legend (7).
A comparison of photos taken between 1940 and 1944 shows that the mass graves -- which were allegedly dug up, filled in, later dug up again, and then resealed -- never existed, since otherwise the ravine would have shown massive topographical changes. These are in no way revealed by the air photos.
So the mass murder of Baba Yar turns out to be just another swindle. No other accusation of crime made against the Germans on the Eastern front has been made with such great propaganda effect; no other atrocity is supposed to have claimed so many victims. Since this invented massacre appears in the Einsatzgruppen reports, the reports were either totally falsified, or at least manipulated on a massive scale. Thus the only "documentary evidence" of the millions of murders on the Eastern front crashes to the ground.
1) Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust, p. 397.
2) ibid, p. 399.
3) ibid.
4) Einsatzgruppen report 106 of 7 October 1941, Document R-102 in IMT XXXVII p. 291 ff.
5) Herbert Tiedemann in Gauss, Grundlagen... op. cit. Udo Walendy in Historische Tatsachen no 51.
6) In Kiev, practically all the Jews had left the city with the Red Army. Only the elderly remained behind." Institute of Jewish Affairs, Hg. Hitler's ten years' war, New York, 1943, p. 186.
7) John Ball in Gauss, Grundlagen... p. 238/239.

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