Thursday 15 December 2016

Maria Ladenburger's brutal rape and murder by an Afghani migrant is a grim example of the (((denazification process))) still going on in Germany today. German's like Maria are constantly brainwashed to hate their forefathers and hate the fact they are German and that the only way to make up for being born German is to go out of your way to lay down your door mat to people who hate you and want you wiped out. Germans even boast gladly and cheer when it is announced that they will soon be minorities in their own country. They are brainwashed to hate themselves so much that they believe it is moral to let themselves be wiped out. The death rate for ethnic Germans is higher than the birthrate and any German who speaks up against what is happening to their people is locked up for "hate speech".
Most dictators use firing squads and mass graves to wipe people out but these use guilt and social engineering to do it so they can commit genocide while not being called "inhumane". (((They))) use mental perversion and guilt to drive the people they hate into destruction.
There is no way to measure the punishment deserved for Merkel(Kasner) and what she has done.
Tomorrow would have been Maria's 20th birthday.

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