Thursday 15 December 2016

i`ve always found it funny that baldric from time team can dig up a 2,000 year old petrified ball bag belonging to a roman legionnaire and be able to tell you the name and religion of the last prostitute he raped and murdered, yet no one can find a single tooth or bone fragment from a "holocausted" jew at treblinka this century...........i guess we just have to wait anudda 2000 years goyim Only 19 entire countries, including Putin's Russia and Vatican Italy have "holycost denial" thought crimes legislation in place putting people in prison for up to 5 years (12 years for multiple offenses is what Horst Mahler is doing in Germany), just for their opinions, but Jews don't run those countries! lol Yeah right. The non-Jews just passed those draconic anti-free-speech laws for their benefit. "To learn who rules over you, just find out who you are not allowed to criticise." -- Voltaire If the Holocaust is an historical event then it is open for examination and debate. If it is a religious dogma, then I reserve the right to be an atheist. It's really quite simple. why we believed free yourself from a life time of psyche warfare propaganda Google “The Morgenthau plan” “The Kaufmann plan” “The Hooton plan” Three detailed jewish plans for the extermination of the German people. On the other hand among tons of papers the allies found the word endlösung that also was used for the deportation of jews to Madagascar. So we have three books versus a word that needs to be interpreted a certain way. Who really was the genocidal freak ? Sounds like it was the unmentionables.

1 comment:

  1. No comments, I wonder why. I guess nobody wants to comment on complete bullshit. Only a mentally ill person would even care about this stuff.
