Thursday 15 December 2016

The ADL recently announced that "attacking the 1% is persecuting 43% of the Jewish community"... Take a minute and digest that pill... The fact that it's not only true but also the fact that they have no problem at all proclaiming it demonstrate a level of chutzpah rarely witnessed in the entire history of the Jewish race... Seriously, by the Jew's standards (and their standards are what enforce all other standards in the West today), people cannot even criticize the Establishment, the 1%, their Government, and/or their country's decision-makers, without incurring the wrath of the Jewish libel called "anti-Semitism"... So if you don't like your government's economic policy- you're a Jew-hater... Period... No point even arguing... You will be censored on social media if you dare claim otherwise and your opinion (even if it is based in total fact) will be ignored by the real makers and creators of "public opinion"... Same thing with a war that you don't like your country being involved in in the Middle East (for Israel)... Even if you don't mention The Jew- you are STILL a Jew-hater here- because the accusation is implied... Recently, anti-Propaganda, concerns against "fake news", and Mental Illness laws were passed in many Western countries as a back door into preventing any and all online discussion of Jews and the Jewish Problem... We literally cannot mention them- yet they are proven to control almost anything which currently matters in terms of power... So this is going to create (if it already hasn't) a level of global cognitive dissonance never before seen in the world- and this is at a time with more access to raw information than ever before in the world's existence... But go back to that ADL quote real quick... The Jewish Establishment here ADMITS that it controls the Establishment in general- yet when we simply repeat the words of "God's Chosen People" we are then alleged to be hating them for no reason whatsoever (never mind that we are angry at them specifically because- even as they admit- our countries and our institutions and our governments and our economies are in a bad place currently)... We probably even have a mental illness on top of this... This chutzpah and these double and triple standards are just so fucking obvious now that I am at a loss for words at how the common and regular normie still fails to comprehend what is going on... It is so blatant... And it is something that cannot be argued because it comes from the horses' own mouth so to speak... And this is just one of many hundreds and even thousands of historical admissions of this sort which originate directly with The Jew himself... Yet this is the Jew World Order that we all currently live in... We have lived in it now for at least a few centuries... I can trace it at least back to the 16th and 17th centuries in France and England and the Netherlands and Germany and Rome and even in America... It's just that it's most obvious right now to those of us who are paying attention... In the past, however, the majority of people knew about Jewish perfidy, conspiracy, and criminality without anyone really needing to tell them explicitly... So even though times have changed in terms of general Jew-Awareness, things have not changed in terms of what the average person can do to fight Jewish Power... And if we can't fight Jewish Power, we cannot fight any of the many aspects of nominal governmental power either financial, global, racial, social, cultural, governmental, or historical... I'm not totally sure if this pushes the awareness closer towards our overall narrative or closer toward the general Jewish Narrative- but I am sure that this is totally frustrating and it's times like these which cause me to wonder why I even try to Red Pill others in the first place- when I know what type of odds we are up against here...

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